Lady captured for slaughtering her neighbor's 2-year-old child just to punish his father

December 16, 2018
Chineye Ndubiife was arrested for murdering Wisdom, the 2-year-old son of her neighbor, Promise Samuel, in Lagos. The incident occurred on Wednesday, December 12, 2018, at 70 Lawani Street, Alakoto, Olodi Apapa.

The suspect, who is cooling off in the cell of the Tolu police station, revealed how she sent a child to call Wisdom from her room. Ndubiife, mother of one, then took him to the backyard where she banged her head against the wall, before hitting him again with a large stone, which led to his death.

As a result, she left the boy's body in the toilet, where Mr. Samuel later found him. When asked why she killed the child, Ms. Ndubuife revealed that her intention was to inflict a serious injury on him, so his father spend money on treating him.

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